COMPETENCE 2 – Use English in Oral and Written Form
#1. The word EIGHT is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
#2. The word SHIP is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet ________:
#3. Using IMO SMCP definition of terminologies, a “Close-coupled towing” is…..
#4. Using IMO SMCP in shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication, how do you response in the affirmative if the VTIS gives the following message: “ADVICE. Do not overtake the vessel North of you.”
#5. The word VOLUME is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet _____:
#6. When oil is discharged overboard, an entry is required in the .
#7. Using IMO SMCP in shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication, how do you avoid miscommunication or misunderstanding when it comes to “Ambiguous words”? Which is/are correct? I. May I enter the fairway II. You have permission to enter the fairway III. I will enter the fairway IV. You should anchor in anchorage “B” V. You could be running into danger
#8. The word RADIO is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
#9. The word SATCOM is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet _________:
#10. Using IMO SMCP in shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication, how do you response when the information requested is not immediately available.
#11. The year 1945 is spelled to conform with the international phonetic alphabet ________:
#12. Using IMO SMCP in shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication, how do you correct a wrong message .
#13. The word QUICK is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
#14. Using IMO SMCP in shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication, how do you response in the affirmative when an INSTRUCTION (e.g. by a VTS-Station, Naval vessel or other fully authorized personnel ) or an ADVICE is given.
#15. Using the IMO STANDARD MARINE COMMUNICATION PHRASES (SMCP), how do you pronounced “4” when communicating through Radio Telephony?
There are 10 questions for the actual examination for Competence 2 for OIC-EW with a passing rate of 70%. This means that you are only allowed to make 3 mistakes.
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