COMPETENCE 4 -Operate Main and Auxiliary Machinery and – Associated Control Systems
#1. Which of the following statements is correct concerning heat transfer?
#2. Increasing the moisture content of conditioned air is known as what?
#3. Cylinder oil is used for ________.
#4. Which refrigeration system will absolutely require the use of an oil separator located in the discharge line due to a lack of refrigerant oil miscibility?
#5. Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for which of the following?
#6. Excessive moisture being collected in the purge unit of a low pressure refrigeration system could indicate which probable condition?
#7. Which of the valves listed is normally closed when charging the refrigeration system through the high side?
#8. In a large refrigeration system having more than one evaporator, a king solenoid valve should be installed in what location?
#9. An air compressor is equipped with an intercooler and an aftercooler to _______.
#10. In a two stage flash type evaporator, the brine overboard pump is vented directly to the:
#11. If a condenser coil of an air-cooled container refrigeration system becomes dirty and requires cleaning, what would be an acceptable method of cleaning?
#12. One of the primary steps in assisting someone who has been overcome by ammonia vapors is to do what?
#13. The rupture disc used on low pressure refrigerant storage containers is set for what pressure?
#14. The advantages of flash type evaporators, as compared to submerged tube type evaporators, include:
#15. A one ton air conditioning system has which of the listed operating characteristics?
#16. One of the major components of centrifugal pump is ___________.
#17. An unloader is installed on an air compressor to:
#18. During the operation of a five box refrigeration system, using a fixed capacity compressor, two additional boxes came on line with the two boxes already in the active cooling process. At the beginning of the cooling period for the two additional boxes, the operating conditions of the system would require the quantity (flow rate) of refrigerant to the compressor suction to do what?
#19. Cylindrical, replaceable silica gel core dehydrators installed in halocarbon refrigerant systems are typically arranged in what way?
#20. Refrigerant enters the condenser in what condition?
#21. In a refrigeration system, at what component does the refrigerant absorb the latent heat of vaporization?
#22. If a liquid drying agent is used in a refrigeration system already equipped with a solid drying agent, the liquid drying agent will cause what type of reaction?
#23. If the bowl of a disk type centrifugal purifier when operated as a separator is not primed, the _________.
#24. What component of the freshwater evaporator on board use to boil seawater, using the main engine jacket cooling water?
#25. The high pressure cut-out switch will stop the refrigeration compressor when there is _______.
#26. What is the color coding for a storage container of R-134a refrigerant?
#27. The heat removed from the refrigerant in the condenser of a refrigeration plant is known as what?
#28. When a refrigeration compressor has developed a high head pressure as a result of a refrigerant overcharge, what should be done to compensate for or to correct this situation?
#29. Which of the fluids listed is normally used to condense the primary refrigerant in an indirect shipboard central air conditioning system?
#30. A refrigerant used in a mechanical refrigeration system should have which of the following characteristics?
There are 30 questions for the actual examination for Competence 4 for OIC-EW with a passing rate of 70%. This means that you are only allowed to make 9 mistakes.
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