COMPETENCE 7 – Maintenance and Repair of Electronics and Electrical Equipment
#1. Compared to the fuse being replaced, what should be the characteristic of the replacement fuse for a fuse that blows often?
#2. Electrical wire in general, when used aboard vessels must meet minimum requirements. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
#3. Due to the operating characteristics of the system, time lag fuses (or dual- element fuses) are necessary for use in what types of circuits?
#4. Capacitors can be used in electric distribution systems to improve power factor. This is accomplished by seesawing energy between the capacitor and what device or devices?
#5. Consider a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor rated at 450 VAC and60 Hz. What would happen to the motor if the line frequency dropped from the normally supplied 60 Hz to 55 Hz and the voltage remained normal at 450 VAC.
#6. How are fuses rated?
#7. During discharge of a lead-acid storage battery, which of the following actions occurs?
#8. Consider a series circuit employing two resistors. What is true about the resistance value of the second resistor compared to the first when the voltage drop across the first resistor is one half the source voltage?
#9. For what purpose are thermal strip heaters provided in DC main propulsion motors?
#10. DC generator circuits are protected against malfunctions due to prime mover power loss by the use of what device (or devices)?
#11. D.C. propulsion motor brush pressure depends on the brush grade used. In practice with what device is the proper brush pressure established?
#12. Compared to the original wire, what will be the resistance of a replacement wire having twice the length and one-half the cross-sectional area of the original?
#13. Compared to conventional alternators, brushless alternators are designed to operate without the use of what?
#14. Diesel generators #1 and #2 are operating in parallel at near full load capacity. Diesel generator #1 suddenly trips out mechanically due to low lube oil pressure. The reverse power relay functions properly and trips generator #1 electrically off the board. Which of the following actions should you carry out FIRST?
#15. How are AC and DC generators are similar?
There are 15 questions for the actual examination for Competence 7 for OIC-EW with a passing rate of 70%. This means that you are only allowed to make 4 mistakes.
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