COMPETENCE 12 – Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements
#1. A number of dangerous substances in various IMDG Code classes have been identified as a substance harmful to the:
#2. A noxious liquid substance which is not a solidifying substance is:
#3. A sewage system shall be fitted with facilities to the satisfaction and approved by the Administration , for the temporary storage of sewage when the ship is less than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land. What do you call this system?
#4. A ship of 400 gross tonnage or more than an oil tanker may discharge oily machinery space bilge provided she is enroute, more than 12 miles from shore and has in operation a/an:
#5. A method NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the US waters is:
#6. According to 33 CFR’s, an oceangoing ship of over 400 gross tons must be fitted with a standard discharge shore connection. What size bolt circle diameter is required for this shore connection to transfer oily ballast to a shore side reception facility?
#7. A vessel which is required to carry an Oil Record Book must log in the book:
#8. A oil tanker may not discharge an oily mixture into the sea from a cargo tank, slop tank, or cargo pump room bilge unless which of the following conditions is present?
#9. A solidifying noxious substance with a melting point of less than 15 degrees Centigrade and a temperature of _____ above its melting point at the time of unloading.
#10. A tank specifically used for the collection of tank draining, tank washing and other oily mixture is called:
#11. A vessel required to carry an Oil Record Book must maintain the book on board for:
#12. A dry cargo vessel is required to record in the Oil Record Book of the ship the discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from fuel oil tanks. Three of the following is essential and must be recorded. Which one is not?
#13. A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP) is required to which of the following?
#14. A noxious liquid substance which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a minor hazard to either marine resources or human health. What is this category?
#15. A source of potential harm or damage or a situation with a potential for harm or damage is called:
There are 15 questions for the actual examination for Competence 12 for OIC-NW with a passing rate of 70%. This means that you are only allowed to make 4 mistakes.
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