COMPETENCE 2 – Maintain Safe Navigation Watch
#1. A vessel is following a range to keep herself within a narrow channel. The chart indicates the range to be 001deg. The vessel is “on range” when she is steering a course of:
#2. You are transiting a narrow channel. What can happen in this situation?
#3. The “head of the bend” is the:
#4. Under the IALA cardinal system, a mark with a quick light showing 9 flashes every 15 seconds indicates that the safest water is on the:
#5. Which signal may be sounded ONLY by vessels in restricted visibility?
#6. You are underway on the high seas in restricted visibility. You hear a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts. It could be any of the following EXCEPT a vessel ________.
#7. Under the IALA-B Buoyage System, when entering from seaward, a buoy that should be left to port will be:
#8. A mid-channel buoy, if lighted, will show a:
#9. Which whistle signal may be sounded by one of two vessels in sight of each other?
#10. Eight points of a compass are equal to how many degrees?
#11. Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate:
#12. Buoys which only mark the left or right side of the channel will never exhibit a light with which characteristic?
#13. The time required for a lighted aid to complete a full cycle of light changes is listed in the Light List as the:
#14. A vessel engaged in underwater operations and at anchor is required to sound the fog signal as contained in which rule?
#15. When can an officer of the watch deviate from the Rules of Road?
#16. Vessel “A”, a power driven vessel underway, sights vessel “B” which is a vessel underway and fishing. Which statement is TRUE?
#17. A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of:
#18. One of the most important innovations in the 1972 Regulations (COLREG) was the recognition given to traffic separation schemes. Under Rule 10 of this Regulation states that in so far as practicable, a vessel must avoid:
#19. Which statement applies to Rule 8 (b) of the 1972 Colregs?
#20. What is the color of a west cardinal buoy?
There are 20 questions for the actual examination for Competence 2 for OIC-NW with a passing rate of 70%. This means that you are only allowed to make 6 mistakes.
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