Sunrise, Sunset, and Meridian Passage Calculator

This is your indispensable tool for celestial navigation! This powerful calculator is designed specifically for seafarers, providing free access to accurate information about the rise and set times of the sun, moon, and navigational stars.

With the Seafarer’s Navigator, you can effortlessly determine when the sun and moon will appear on the horizon, allowing you to plan your voyages with precision. Whether you’re embarking on a long ocean voyage or navigating through intricate coastlines, knowing the exact times of celestial events can greatly enhance your safety and efficiency.

In addition to sunrise and sunset calculations, this exceptional tool also provides you with the meridian passage of the sun. The meridian passage is the moment when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, which is vital for determining your latitude. By accurately calculating the meridian passage, this tool empowers you to determine your position with greater accuracy, ensuring that you stay on course and reach your destination with confidence.

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