COMPETENCE 3 – Use of Radar and ARPA for the Safety of Navigation
#1. What will cause the Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) to emit a visual alarm, audible alarm, or both?
#2. When using the radar for navigating:
#3. You are running parallel to the coast and take a running fix using bearings of the same object. If you are making less speed than used for the running fix, in relation to the position indicated by the fix, you will be:
#4. What is the approximate wave length of an X Band Radar operating on a frequency of approximately 9500 MHz?
#5. Which Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) data should you use in order to determine if a close quarters situation will develop with a target vessel?
#6. When using an ARPA, what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?
#7. In order to insure that the racon signal is visible on your 3 cm radar, the:
#8. With regards to ARPA, what is the IMO requirement to acquisition?
#9. Vessel required to have an Automatic Radar Plotting Aid must have a device to indicate the:
#10. What are the IMO requirements regarding separation of Radar and ARPA information?
#11. Vessels required to have an ARPA must have a device to indicate the:
#12. A radar contact will remain stationary on a relative motion radar display only when it is:
#13. The radar control used to reduce sea return at close ranges is the:
#14. Your radar indicates a target; however, there is no visible object at the point indicated. A large mountain, approximately 50 miles away on the same bearing as the target, is breaking the horizon. You should suspect the radar target is caused by:
#15. What is TRUE of the history display of a target’s past positions on an ARPA?
There are 15 questions for the actual examination for Competence 3 for OIC-NW with a passing rate of 70%. This means that you are only allowed to make 4 mistakes.
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